+32 473 61 79 72
Hi! I'm Kris, and I'm a photographer.
This means I see light, think in solutions & tell stories.
Big smiling faces on a rollercoaster, a cold refreshing drink on a hot day, an evocative movie poster or a captivating portrait. This is just a small range of what we do. I’d love to bring my twenty years of expertise to your creative project!
I learned my craft as a photojournalist where I learned storytelling with tight deadlines. Now I focus on telling stories for companies and organizations.
We work in a modular way. Need a one-stop-shop solution from early concepts all the way up until delivery? I have a network of talented freelance artist including make-up, styling, rigging, retouching and 3D, depending on the needs of the image.
Do you have your own in-house agency and just need a guy with a camera and a vision? Great! I’d love to meet your team.
Let’s Talk!
Sigma Ambassador
Nikon Professional
IAAPA Member
Museums Association Member
Behind The Scenes
A selection of my clients
(a very incomplete list of publications that I know of)
Stoker, Michaël Olbrechts - Uitgeverij Daedalus [ISBN 978946394818]
Het wonderlijke Efteling Puzzelboek - Denksport / Keesing Nederland [ISBN 9789493361171]
Rock Herk 40, Jo Smeets - Rock Herk [ISBN 9789464988499]
Droomvlucht: Een visualisatie van het groot onderhoud 2023 - De Efteling
Fotoboekje Efteling - De Efteling
Fotoboekje Bobbejaanland - Bobbejaanland
Fotoboekje Efteling - De Efteling
Fotoboekje Bobbejaanland - Bobbejaanland
Fotoboekje Indiana River - Bobbejaanland
Verbinden & Versterken - Agentschap Binnenlands Bestuur [D/2022/3241/227]
Spookslot - 44 jaar ten gast bij de geesten - De Efteling
Fotoboekje Efteling - De Efteling
#LikeMe: Het grote fanboek Reeks 3 - Borgerhoff & Lamberigts [ISBN 9789463933254]
#LikeMe: Yemi 2, Elke Van Huffel - Borgerhoff & Lamberigts [ISBN 9789463935180]
#LikeMe: Camille 2, Elke Van Huffel - Borgerhoff & Lamberigts [ISBN 9789463935197]
Het Efteling Familiekookboek - Spectrum / De Efteling [ISBN 9789000373185]
111 Extreme Places in Europe That You Shouldn't Miss, Patricia Szilagyi - Emons Publishers [ISBN 9783740810313]
Fotoboekje Efteling - De Efteling
De Jenever Revival, Tom Smeets - Borgerhoff & Lamberigts [ISBN 9789089317957]
#LikeMe: Het grote fanboek Reeks 2, Elke Van Huffel - Borgerhoff & Lamberigts [ISBN 9789463933216]
#LikeMe: Maria, Elke Van Huffel - Borgerhoff & Lamberigts [ISBN 9789463934107]
#LikeMe: Scott, Elke Van Huffel - Borgerhoff & Lamberigts [ISBN 9789463934244]
Zing, Ann Van Den Broeck - Pelckmans Uitgevers [ISBN 9789463831277]
#LikeMe: Caro 2, Elke Van Huffel - Borgerhoff & Lamberigts [ISBN 9789463932462]
Uitgelicht: Belgische provincies - Ars Scribendi
#LikeMe: Merel, Jan Ruysbergh - Borgerhoff & Lamberigts [ISBN 9789463932288]
#LikeMe: Camille, Jan Ruysbergh - Borgerhoff & Lamberigts [ISBN 9789463931847]
#LikeMe: Yemi, Jan Ruysbergh - Borgerhoff & Lamberigts [ISBN 9789463931502]
#LikeMe: Het grote fanboek - Borgerhoff & Lamberigts [ISBN 9789463930383]
#LikeMe: Vince, Jan Ruysbergh - Borgerhoff & Lamberigts [ISBN 9789463930208]
#LikeMe: Kyona, Jan Ruysbergh - Borgerhoff & Lamberigts [ISBN 9789463930192]
#LikeMe: Caro, Jan Ruysbergh - Borgerhoff & Lamberigts [ISBN 9789089319616]
Fotoboekje Efteling - De Efteling
Polle’s Taartenboek - Spectrum / De Efteling [ISBN 9789000363612]
Fotoboekje Efteling - De Efteling
Fotoboekje Efteling - De Efteling
Internal Disneyland Paris 25th Anniversary Book - Disney
100% Liandra, Jan Ruysbergh - Borgerhoff & Lamberigts [ISBN 9789089317209]
Limburg 1995/2015 - Provincie Limburg [ISBN 9789074605793]
501st FanWars Garrison (10th Anniversary)
Let’s Ketchup! … and Meat Me Later, Bonaniek - Uitgeverij Omnivoor
Sweven - René Merkelbach (2021) - Single - Flexatunes
Leaf - René Merkelbach (2021) - Single - Flexatunes
I Believe - Asarela (2020) - Album - Ecovata
Cause & Effect - The Compleat Angler (2020) - Album - Independent
#LikeMe 2 - #LikeMe Cast Album (2020) - Album - VRT MZK
#LikeMe - Vlaanderen m'n Land (2019) - Single - VRT MZK
#LikeMe - #LikeMe Cast Album (2019) - Album - VRT MZK
Schlagerfestival (2018) - Album - Universal
Applejack - Anna West (2016) - Single, MidgetMusic
Schlagerfestival (2015) - Album - Universal
Schlagerfestival (2014) - Album - Universal
Versammelt (2025) Staatliches Museum für Naturkunde Karlsruhe
Walk #LikeMe (2021), Antwerpen
Neobiota: Natur im Wandel (2021) Staatliches Museum für Naturkunde Karlsruhe
Smile #LikeMe (2021), Stadsfeestzaal Antwerp
美しさ (Utsukushi-sa) (2017), Solo exhibition, Japanse Tuin Hasselt
NX Masters (2012), La Nonciature, Brussels
Optiek (2011), Villa Kiewit, Hasselt